Come and Worship at Trinity!
At Trinity, we worship God weekly on Sunday mornings both in person at 8 and 10:30 am. Sunday morning servicers are streamed on our Facebook page. On the same page, we offer online Evening Prayer at 7:30 pm, seven nights a week.
At Trinity, we joyfully welcome you to join us for beautiful, Christ-centered worship. Our worship is according to the Book of Common Prayer, the black book in the pews. The poetry of this Book, often taken directly from Scripture, is one of the treasures of the English language. The English Reformers believed that the people should be able to worship in their own language, and they made the daily prayers of the Benedictine monks accessible to laypeople, so that everyone could enter into the daily, weekly, and yearly rhythms of the Church’s prayer. In this way, everything we do is centered on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Our music ministry is especially beautiful. For more information about how to participate, including joining the choir, please speak to our Director of Music Ministry, Mr. Bill Bane, or visit our music page.
The Sunday service bulletin is meant to orient you to the different parts of the liturgy of Holy Eucharist (also known as the Mass, the Holy Communion, or the Lord’s Supper), which is the principal service of public worship in the Episcopal Church. PDF versions are available each week, either through our parish newsletter or on our Facebook page. An online version of the Book of Common Prayer is available at
At Trinity, we believe that the whole People of God celebrates the Eucharist together. In the power of the Holy Spirit, God reconstitutes the Body of Christ, the Church, gathering us into the one Body, so that we may offer the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, and experience renewal in our union with Jesus in his death and resurrection. The bishop (or, in his or her absence, one of the priests) presides; all celebrate the mysteries of our salvation as we offer our shared (or common) prayer to God together.
Most of the roles (altar guild, acolytes, vergers, ushers) in our worship are open to any interested person. Training is provided as needed. If you would like to participate as an acolyte, altar guild member, chalice bearer, choir member, greeter, prayer leader, reader, etc. please speak to Fr. Bill and he will put you in touch with the person in charge.
In the Episcopal Church, all baptized persons are welcome to receive Holy Communion. All others are invited to come up and receive a blessing. If you desire to be baptized or have a child to baptize, please speak to Fr. Bill: