
Rowan Williams, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, used to speak of “solidarities not of our choosing.” Properly understood, fellowship is a gift from God. It involves holy relationships in which we have been “gracefully entangled.”

Here at Trinity, fellowship is a deeply spiritual reality with roots in the New Testament concept of koinonia, which we often translate fellowship, communion, or partnership. Fellowship means holy life-giving relationships with real people that keep Jesus Christ at the center and anticipate our joyful life together in the Kingdom of God. Here, at Trinity we enjoy each other immensely, but we are committed to an open-ended community life, where there is always room for one more.

We believe that a community that transcends human divisions, while celebrating our differences lies at the heart of the vision of Jesus and the early Church. In an era of social media, deep divisions, and profound isolation, we believe in the vision laid out in the Letter to the Ephesians, where Christ breaks down the walls that divide us from our neighbors, and creates “one new humanity out of the two.” (Ephesians 2:15) At Trinity, we aim to be a church where EVERYONE can find God and face-to-face friendships, and where joyful fellowship is at the heart of all we do.

The Fellowship Committee exists to maintain and deepen this vision for our community. It’s mandate includes fostering a yearly calendar of parish-wide fellowship events, and to initiate, support, and grow opportunities for Trinity parishioners (including new and established members) to gather (both in small groups and in larger gatherings), so that we can know each other more deeply, support each other, and grow in Christian love.

Vicky Bright is the current chair of fellowship. Fr. Bill would also be happy to help connect you with those in charge of various opportunities for fellowship and face-to-face community here at Trinity. The People of Trinity are eager to invite you, sit with you, and help you feel at home. For more information, contact us at fellowship@trinityparish.org

Fr. Bill Phone: (903) 399-1190

Fr. Bill Email: frbill@trinityparish.org

  • Annual Events (Animal Blessing, Harvest Dinner, Bishop’s Visitation, Fourth of July Celebration)
  • Small Group Dinner Fellowships (groups of 5-8, meeting at least quarterly in one another’s homes over a meal)
  • Daughters of the King
  • Sr. Men’s Fellowship