The Vestry are the lay leadership of Trinity Episcopal Church, elected each year at the annual parish meeting in January. In concert with the Rector (senior pastor), they set church policies and are responsible for all aspects of the mission and ministry of Trinity, with a special focus on matters of finances and property. In their shared ministry of leadership, the Rector and Vestry are accountable to the Constitution, Canons, and Policies of the Episcopal Church and of the Diocese of Texas.
Vestry Officers:
- Christine Prior, Senior Warden
- Ava Welge, Junior Warden
- William Keese, Treasurer
The current Vestry Members are:
Class of 2024
- Alyce Sparks
- Kathy Tate
- Ben Bright
- Ava Welge
Class of 2025
- Karen Frith
- Christine Prior
- Tovah Robertson
- Gary Whitwell
Class of 2026
- Tisha Grotemat
- Elise Hill
- William Keese
- Jim Sawyer